Custom Health Guide Consultation

At Journey to a Better Health, we believe in providing tailored guidance to help you take meaningful steps toward better health. Our free consultations are designed to address your unique needs, whether you're facing a specific health challenge or simply looking to improve your overall well-being. Our consultation is tailored to your unique health condition; we’ll assess your current health concerns and provide personalized recommendations, including product suggestions from our store that can support your journey.

These consultations are designed to offer a clear and personalized path to expert advice, helping you start making positive changes today—because your health deserves top-quality care.

Don’t know where to start?

Book a free 15 min consultation to help set you on the right track.

This is a free 15-minute consultation designed to guide you on the first steps toward improving your well-being. During this quick session, we’ll ask you a few simple questions about your current health concerns, how long you’ve been dealing with them, and your readiness to make small changes to your diet. If your issue is urgent, we'll prioritize addressing it immediately.

In return, you'll receive personalized recommendations based on your answers, along with suggestions for the products from our store that can best support your health journey. This consultation is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to take control of their health in a natural and effective way.

Take this first step today—your health is worth it!

Level 1


Time: 1:30- 2 hrs Zoom

Follows up: 2

  • Detailed plan outlining their next thirty-day cleanse. 

  •  A sample grocery list of what to Buy. 

  • 1 recipe on how to make a gluten-free, dairy-free meal.

Our advanced health consultation offers a deep dive into your wellness journey. You’ll receive a 1.5 to 2-hour Zoom session where we assess your health needs in detail. Following the consultation, you'll get a customized 30-day cleanse plan tailored to your goals, a sample grocery list to guide your shopping, and a gluten-free, dairy-free recipe to jumpstart your new diet. Plus, with two follow-up sessions included, you'll have ongoing support to ensure you stay on track and achieve the best results for your health.

Level 2


Time: 2:30-3 hrs Zoom

Follows up: 4

  • Detailed plan outlining their next 30 days cleanse. 

  •  A sample grocery list of what to Buy. 

  • 2 recipes on how to make gluten-free, dairy free meals.

Our premium health consultation is designed for those seeking comprehensive support on their health journey. For $499, you’ll receive a 2.5 to 3-hour Zoom session where we thoroughly evaluate your health needs. This package includes a personalized 30-day cleanse plan, a detailed grocery list, and two gluten-free, dairy-free recipes to help you transition smoothly into healthier eating. With four follow-up sessions included, we’ll be there to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you stay on track and make lasting changes for better health.

Level 3


Time: 5 hrs Zoom (can be divided up into sessions)

Follows up: 7

The ultimate health transformation package is a comprehensive, in-depth consultation spanning up to 5 hours, broken into multiple Zoom sessions, and includes seven follow-up appointments. This mega deal offers a personalized binder or e-file packed with information tailored to your unique health situation. You’ll receive a detailed 30-day cleanse plan, an eating lifestyle guide for after the cleanse, five starter recipes, and advice on skin care, home cleaning, and natural purification for your living spaces.

This package also dives deep into mental, physical, and spiritual wellness, with tips on creating a positive internal and external environment. The guidance ensures your space and life are optimized for holistic well-being, with immune-boosting herbs and strategies for keeping your home naturally clean. With this level of service, you’ll gain actionable insights to support your health journey in all areas of life.

Note: This process may take 2 to 3 weeks to complete fully.

Customer Results.

  • LaTonya L.

    Wanting to take a more holistic approach to reducing my joint pain and inflammation, I decided to try their inflammation and mucus reducer.

    After using this product for several months, I am now experiencing less joint pain and stiffness, I have more range in motion in my joints, and I am able to get up and down a whole lot easier. And I credit all of that to this wonderful product. Thank you.

  • Chase C.

    I went on the journey to a better health detox with my brother, Lorenzo. And all I'm going to tell you is, it stepped my life game up. It literally decreased my A1C. I was like borderline diabetic. That detox dropped my numbers drastically. And I felt great the entire time. A lot of times, we struggle with things like that. But with this detox, it taught me some extreme discipline. I will say that. But I felt energetic.

    I felt as if I was clearer, man. And I could just feel my body adapting to it. And it literally has become more of a lifestyle for me now.

  • Abel B.

    Lorenzo's story inspired me and inspired many people, especially the youth. There have been old people that have such illnesses. So the guy really inspired us a lot.

    We are having medical challenges. I can tell you what Lorenzo has been through. So we want him to come and share his experience with us.

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