Journey to a Better Health: A Story of Resilience, Faith, and the Power of Natural Healing

In times of great uncertainty, it’s easy to feel powerless. When faced with a life-threatening illness, like cancer, we often turn to the experts, hoping they’ll have all the answers. For my husband, Lorenzo, and me, that journey began with a diagnosis that would test our faith, resilience, and the strength of our bond. Today, we want to share our story—a journey of survival and healing against the odds—and how it inspired us to build Journey to a Better Health, our organization dedicated to helping others discover their paths to wellness.

Part One: Facing the Diagnosis

Our journey began in Minnesota, where doctors diagnosed Lorenzo with an extremely rare and aggressive form of bladder cancer known as "sarcomatoid with squamous features." The prognosis was grim, and the medical options limited. Without a dedicated treatment for this type of cancer, the doctors had to experiment, offering a custom concoction of chemotherapy as a last attempt. Even then, the odds were against us, and his chances of survival seemed slim.

This period was incredibly hard on both of us. Lorenzo was weak, struggling to endure the effects of the experimental chemotherapy. It was heartbreaking to see him in that condition, yet I was determined to support him, no matter what path he chose. Ultimately, he decided that conventional treatment was not the way forward. After careful consideration, we made the decision together to leave traditional treatments behind and take our health into our own hands.

Part Two: Choosing a New Path

Returning to Milwaukee marked the beginning of a new chapter in our journey. Free from chemotherapy but exhausted and feeling the effects of his illness, Lorenzo’s body needed a new approach to healing. We decided to embrace a natural path, rooted in holistic, organic nutrition and lifestyle changes. We dove into research, exploring every possible option that supported healing without introducing harsh chemicals or synthetic medications into his body.

Over the next two months, something remarkable began to happen. Lorenzo’s condition improved, and to the astonishment of his doctors, his cancer gradually disappeared. By May 2019, he was declared cancer-free. He had survived an illness that no one else had previously overcome—a miracle according to medical professionals. But to us, it was a testament to faith, resilience, and the power of natural healing.

Journey to a Better Health: Our Mission

Inspired by Lorenzo’s recovery, we founded Journey to a Better Health, a place where people can find the guidance and support they need to take control of their health. Today, we work with individuals across the country and beyond, helping them develop personalized nutrition plans, empowering them with knowledge about the importance of an alkaline diet, and helping them listen to their bodies’ signals. We emphasize the healing power of alkalinity in the body, highlighting that disease struggles to thrive in an alkaline environment, free from excess acidity and toxins.

At Journey to a Better Health, we also stress the importance of listening to the wisdom of our bodies. Lorenzo’s journey taught us that our bodies constantly communicate with us, asking for nutrients, rest, or detoxification. By honoring these signals and nourishing our bodies with the right foods, we can create an internal environment where health and healing are possible.

Embracing the Power of Positive Mindset and Faith

Throughout our journey, faith and mindset were our strongest allies. Lorenzo’s determination to stay positive, despite overwhelming odds, was a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from believing in healing. We made a pact early on to keep our challenges within our family, refusing to speak negativity over his diagnosis. Our belief in the power of the tongue—what we say about ourselves and our health—guided us to create an environment of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith.

This positive mindset, along with a faith-driven approach to healing, continues to guide our mission today. At Journey to a Better Health, we not only offer nutritional guidance but also support our clients in building the mental resilience needed to embrace the possibility of healing.

The Road Ahead

Our journey from diagnosis to healing has been transformative. We’re honored to help people who feel lost and powerless find hope and a sense of control over their health. Through education, personalized guidance, and unwavering support, we aim to be a refuge for anyone seeking to make positive changes in their lives, one step at a time.

If you or a loved one are on a similar journey, we’re here for you. At Journey to a Better Health, we believe in the power of knowledge, faith, and holistic care to transform lives, just as it transformed ours.

To learn more about our story or to find support on your journey, visit us at

This story is a testament to how a strong will, faith, and the right guidance can turn even the bleakest of situations into a beacon of hope. Whether facing a health crisis or just striving to live better, remember that every step you take on your journey is meaningful—and that a healthier, happier life is within reach.


Journey 2 A Better Health: First Annual Natural Health & Wellness Awareness Conference


From the Heart: My Journey Through Cancer, Faith, and Fighting for Health